ITA - Institute für Textile Technology at RWTH Aachen University

We are an international research and training service provider for fibre-based high-tech materials, textile semi-finished products and their manufacturing procedures.

At our institute, the focus lies on

  • machine engineering
  • textile process engineering,
  • polymer technology
  • High-performance fibre materials
  • textile preforming
  • fibre composites
  • medical technology
  • smart textiles
  • joining technologies and
  • simulation and measurement technology.

The ITA develops textile semi-finished products and products for mobility, construction & living, health, energy & environment, information & communication, production & materials and is a qualification service provider in academic teaching, industrial training and continuing vocational education. More than that numerous industrial branches receive determined innovations for new processes and textile materials.

The ITA is technically fully equipped with about 250 textile machines and testing stations covering all textile process stages from raw material via yarn and fabric production up to joining. Furthermore, various laboratories (textile testing, polymer analysis) and workshops are staffed with qualified personnel (mechanics, electronics, software and hardware).


The institute for textile technology at RWTH Aachen University, © Jörg Stanzick